Thursday, September 24, 2015

Commitment- the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.

                Everyone says things every day, they can say they’ll do something without much matter but at times, they have to stay committed. When one gets into a relationship they are committed to stick to that one person. For example, a married couple. They got together in the beginning because they had strong feelings for each other and kept that feeling alive throughout the time that they were together. Because they were confident of what they felt although at times they had a few struggles here and there they were committed to stay together and relive that feeling they had for each other when they had barely gotten together. You could’ve told a girl,” I love you,” just to get in her pants at that moment but if there really is that connection they stay loyal to each other, committed to one another.


Monday, September 21, 2015

         “The key to freedom is obedience. The more obedient we are, the more freedom we have.”

                This isn’t really a free country. Technically speaking, we don’t get to do whatever we want; we don’t have what many consider freedom. It’s basically; if you listen to the rules and obey what you’re supposed to do you’ll have life easier. For example in a pre-k class, if you do what you’re supposed to do you would get the benefit of receiving food/toys faster than others. If we aren’t obedient or break the law we get shut away, locked up for not obeying. People with power don’t really have freedom of speech, if they said things they weren’t supposed to they’d get sent to get murdered for saying what they weren’t supposed too.
Rebellious- showing a desire to resist authority, control, or convention

                 If people rebelled against our government many things would be different, both in a better yet worse way. There really is no other choice than living the years we are able to in this hell without much of an option.  There is no such thing as freedom because we must follow our government and do as they say. Everyone is expected to go to school, graduate, then attend a college which would leave us in debt, owing so much money for attending a college that careers want us to take for the “benefit” of theirs. The people can obviously overthrow the government but as time goes by, more and more people are instead getting manipulated into thinking that the key to freedom is obedience. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

                                                                   A Smile
Smile- form one's features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed.

 “I have many problems in my life. But my lips don’t know that. They always smile.”
                A smile is always nice to see. No matter what situation you are in keep your head up with a smile on your face. If you have people that don’t like you, that’ll for sure piss them off. No matter what situation you are put into, no matter how many problems you happen to be going through a smile can always help cover them. A smile can fake whatever you are going through and no one ever notices.


Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Determination: firmness of purpose; resoluteness.

                In order for people to succeed they must be determined to do so. You can’t just set a goal and not work for it. “A real loser is somebody that’s so afraid of not winning, they don’t even try.” A person from the beginning can decide how serious they are towards a subject. But for example if they believe they won’t make it doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t. Your attitude towards the situation is very important but along the way one can change their mind and actually try. You must have to be determined and not consider yourself a loser. You have to believe in yourself and know that you can do it.  

Thursday, September 10, 2015


911 was a very devastating day for many people including families. It was a normal day for many in the beginning just bordering a plane either for work or vacation or just to visit a relative. But as the day continued, everything became a mess. As people left to work the thought of it being there last day didn’t cross their mind. It was just a typical day. Until people that were attending certain planes began calling people down on earth and warning them that the plane there in was getting hijacked. Some people weren’t able to answer not knowing that was the last time they were ever going to hear their voices, yet some people did. A plane first crashed onto the north twin tower and then the south tower. Thousands of people were killed that day. There were other places that were crashed too. Police officers and firefighters that were just taking orders and doing their jobs helping people out in order to escape, yet they ended up dying too. For Islamic people it was a great accomplishment from their eyes. Osama Bin Laden was claimed to be the one who planned 911 out.
                                                      "Decisions determine destiny"

            Decisions are made everyday, whether they are good or ones or bad ones. Everyday a person does at least 50 decisions without really paying close attention, until they have to do big decisions. There’s two types of people, people that think before acting or people who do without thinking. We do bad decisions all the time, and sometimes they come unexpectedly. At the moment I understand that you regretted making such bad decision but we learn from our mistakes. From making that bad decision we learn from it to avoid doing it again later in life. That’s how life works. Good decisions occur because we learned from our bad decisions. This quote relates to our life planning goals because our decisions lead to better ones.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Caring-displaying kindness and concern for others
            “It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.”

            The time and effort you care for something is what matters the most. The goal one is attempting to reach is what makes it all worth it. When you reach your goal you are able to look back and see that because you cared for it, it reached its final stage. For example, a rose. In order for a rose to keep growing one must care for it from start. From being a seed you have to care for it and water it when needed to or else it would dry out as it attempts to keep going.