Monday, January 11, 2016

                                   Three Fundamental Techniques in
                                             Handling People
technique #1:
Don't criticize, condemn or complain
"If you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive."
In order to do things correctly do it wisely. Risk it but don't risk things too much. If you get overly excited it can cause for negative consequences in this case being the bees escaping the beehive and attacking you. For example, if one wants to get better at basketball they can't expect for it to happen at that instant. Neither can they get mad that the results they want aren't appearing as fast. Feeling mad about it can make them get frustrated and mess up their foot work, causing an injury. Who are you to be judging another person. You never the consequences so just bite your tongue. If you have nothing good to say then don't say anything at all.
Technique #2
Give honest and sincere appreciation
"The secret in dealing with people"
people do things for a reason. When they do things for your best and good intentions we should always give an honest appreciation. Why? Because maybe it took that person so much guts to tell you that or maybe they mentally debated whether to tell you or not. In other circumstances what ever you had done deserved a sincere appreciation. Maybe you didn't want to do what you did but something told you to do so. Having someone give you an honest appreciation can mean alot to you. 
"Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary." 
-Margaret Cousins
Technique #3
Arouse in the other person an eager want
"He who can do this has the whole world with him. He who cannot, walks a lonely way."
Make people want you. Business wise, if you show a good resume, a good personality and everything they're looking for they're going to want you to work for them. Make people have that feeling to want you. It can benefit you in various ways. For example, if you have been working in a certain place for a while now and are one of their best workers, if they see you have had ideas of leaving they'll do anything in their hands to keep you with them. Businesses are all competitive and will do whatever is possible in order to keep their best workers with them. If you can't get people to want you, they don't have much of a benefit. 
Final Reflection:
Be a good person in every aspect. The type of good person that businesses and people want in their life. Make sure to try your best and not speak bad of everybody, because you, yourself have many flaws. Nobody is perfect and neither are you, so who are you to judge them? Always make sure to thank people in the most honest way so that they know you appreciate it. And make sure to use your qualities against them. Use the qualities you have in order for businesses to want you more and for example give you a raise in order for you to stay in their company. 

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