Thursday, March 31, 2016

                                         "How the Internet Works"
         Incription helps scramble messages in order to mix the information in order for hackers not to figure out. Information can consist of bank account, passwords, etc. 256 keys are mixed in order to hid the messages making it very hard for even computers to attempt and figure out. Next world war may consist of the abuse of technology. For example a country can hack into the systems in the U.S. and shut down the water supply, transportation, etc. Many viruses are disguised as security updates, which is one of the many ways they can enter your system. The url which is what you type in order to get to a website stands for Uniform Resource Locator.In order to get into a website, it isn;t as easy as it seems. The computer requests a server which can be found on the other side of the earth and within milliseconds, the page will load. HTML stands for hyper text markup language is the language used for a website to tell them how you want, like the project we focused on in the beginning of the year. In order to use spotify, the computer just does not connect directly to the server. If it were to do so, the internet wouldn't be as fast as it is now. People believe that the internet is an easy, simple thing to use since it is easy and simple to use. but behind it lays so many complex ways that it works, that it is astonishing. Details, numbers, codes, etc are everywhere getting constantly sent. For example, if one were to message someone a message, in order for the computer to do so it changes it around to a sort of "code" and then changes it back to the way you had originally arranged it. We are able to send bits of information by using light, being able to travel at the speed of light.